Girlguiding Cymru

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New Volunteer Vacancies

Girlguiding Cymru are seeking applications for a number of volunteer roles.  The successful applicants will shadow the current post holder for approximately six months.  

Complaints and Compliance Adviser

Compliance and good Guiding go hand in hand.  Our focus rightly is on fun and exploration but for this to happen we need to be aware of the possibility of a failure to comply resulting in a possible dissatisfaction of service users and the general public.  It is therefore important that we are prepared for such events and have strong policies and procedures in place to support volunteers and investigate complaints and lack of compliance in a fair and objective manner.

International Adviser

To lead and promote activities in Girlguiding Cymru which open the eyes of members to our unique worldwide organisation. Working with other International Advisers at different levels, to encourage Leaders to offer international opportunities to young members and provide support.

 Outdoor Activity Adviser

To advise, motivate, support and communicate information about all aspects of the out of doors to Division, County and Girlguiding Cymru Teams and other guiding members.  Contribute to an exciting programme of events enabling more girls and volunteers to access opportunities for development, challenge and adventure.

 PR & Communications Adviser

To support the County PR & Communications Teams in all aspects of Communications, PR and marketing (processes, people, training, materials, sharing good practice) for promoting Girlguiding Cymru events to members and non-members and supporting national PR strategies which promote Girlguiding.

To apply for the above roles please download the form below and email applications to:

Closing date for applications is 31st May 2020


Girlguiding Cymru are looking to appoint new members on the Board of Trustees.

 The role of the Board is to ensure we use our resources in the best possible way to deliver our vision and mission. We are looking for members with a variety of skills and experiences to assist in leading Girlguiding Cymru and shape our future.  As a charity, we face many challenges and we are looking for enthusiastic and experienced members/professionals to join the existing Board of Trustees to help develop and realise our vision by seeing the bigger picture when it comes to ensuring a long-term strategic approach.  You must be 18 or over to act as a charity Trustee.

 If you are interested in joining the Board, please review the role description and email your expression of interest outlining your skills and experience, which you could bring to the table.


 Closing date: 8th May 2020

Deputy & Assistant Chief Commissioner

As a Girlguiding member you will already know about the vital role that volunteers play in delivering guiding. Quite simply, our wonderful volunteers change girls’ lives.

 We are currently looking for deputies and an assistant chief commissioner whose responsibility will be for youth representation.

 This is your opportunity to support the chief commissioner in all areas and lead on delivering youth participation throughout Girlguiding Cymru, providing management and supervision to youth representatives on the various committees. This is a fantastic opportunity for you. Please do spend a few minutes looking through the application pack to learn more about this exciting opportunity. We hope very much that you will be inspired to submit an application.

Please email applications to:

Closing date for applications is 31st May 2020