Girlguiding Cymru

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Preparing for a new term - autumn / winter term 2024

Are you ready for the new term? Read our blog post to make sure that you are prepared for the Autumn/Winter 2024 term.

As the summer winds down and the crisp autumn air begins to fill the air, it's time to start gearing up for another exciting term of guiding. Whether you're a seasoned leader or just starting out, this checklist will help you prepare your unit for a successful and enjoyable new term.

1. Review waiting lists and unit spaces

  • Assess your unit's capacity: Determine how many girls your unit can comfortably accommodate.

  • Current members: Find out if any of your members will be moving on, due to coming to the end of their guiding journey or moving sections, or even moving out of the area.

  • Communicate with parents: Reach out to parents on the waiting list to inform them of their child's status.

  • Maximise unit spaces: Consider ways to optimise your unit's capacity, such as forming new sections or combining units.

  • Grow your unit: Check out the new growth and retention materials from Girlguiding here. We have also translated all the key messaging for members. Download the key messaging in Cymraeg here.

2. Uniform and equipment

  • Inform parents about uniform purchases: Let parents know where they can buy new uniforms if their child's current ones are too small.

  • Check equipment: Ensure that all necessary equipment, such as badges, flags, and games, is in good condition.

3. Making your unit a welcoming place

  • Communicate with parents: Reach out to parents of new starters to answer any questions they may have.

  • Make them feel welcome: Create a welcoming environment for new girls and their families.

  • Foster a sense of belonging: Encourage existing members to continue their guiding journey by offering exciting activities and opportunities. Think about things that create a sense of togetherness such as teamwork and unit neckers.

4. Team preparation

  • Review qualifications: Ensure that all team members have the necessary qualifications, including Safe Space, First Response, and DBS.

  • Update contact information: Keep your team's contact information up-to-date.

  • Plan for the term: Schedule regular team meetings to discuss plans for the term, using the Girlguiding Cymru resource packs as a guide.

  • Assess the previous term: Reflect on what went well and what could be improved.

  • Set goals: Establish clear objectives for the new term.

  • Subscribe to newsletters: Stay informed about the latest news, events, and resources from Girlguiding Cymru. Click here to find out more.

  • Plan some fun for your team: Get your thinking cap on to plan some fun activities for your leadership team!

5. Finances

  • Review your budget: Go over your unit's budget with your team to ensure that your subscription fees are covering your expenses.

  • Plan for future costs: Consider any upcoming expenses, such as equipment purchases or event fees. Forewarned is forearmed! Parent/s and carers are more likely to sign up to events if they have budgeted for it.

  • Seek funding opportunities: Explore potential funding sources to support your unit's activities.

  • Communicate with parents: Keep parents informed about any fundraising efforts or subscription fees. Some of your parents may have good ideas!

6. Resources and ideas

  • Purchase necessary resources: Order any resources you need for the term, such as activity books, badges, and supplies.

  • Organise materials: Store resources in an organised manner for easy access.

  • Consider your girls' interests: Tailor your activities to meet the needs and preferences of your girls.

  • Incorporate outdoor adventures: Plan exciting outdoor activities to connect with nature and promote physical and mental well-being. Even though its winter, the outdoor fun does not need to stop!

7. Meeting place preparation

  • Clean and tidy the space: Ensure that your meeting place is clean and tidy before your first meeting.

  • Check facilities: If your hall hasn't been used over the summer, be sure to let the water run to prevent stagnation.

By following this checklist, you can ensure that your unit is well-prepared for the new Guiding term.
With a little planning and organisation, you can create a positive and rewarding experience our members.

As a Girlguiding Cymru leader, your role is incredibly important. You and your team inspire, guide, and support young people as they develop into confident, capable individuals. However, it's essential to remember that your own well-being is just as crucial. By taking care of yourself, you'll be better equipped to lead your unit effectively and enjoy the experience. So, prioritise self-care, seek support when needed, and remember that you're not alone in this journey. Together, we can create a positive and fulfilling Guiding experience for everyone involved.

We help all girls know they can do anything!