Girlguiding Cymru

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Good Luck to Natalie Taylor on her 50-day trek across Oman!

On Wednesday 18th November 2020, the 50th anniversary of the National Day of Oman, UK-born Natalie Taylor and Oman-born Anisa al Raisi will begin their 50-day trek across Oman. This will include climbing, walking and kayaking for a total distance of over 1,200km.

Girlguiding member Natalie and fellow adventurer Anisa’s expedition includes climbing, walking and kayaking for a total distance of over 1,200km.

Natalie is a unit helper at 1st Brecon Guides and a qualified Girlguiding leader and also an international and camp licence holder.


Q1: In a few sentences, describe who you are?

While working as a full-time military GP I co-organised and was assistant leader on Ice Maiden, the first all-female team to cross Antarctica coast to coast using muscle power alone.

I am also a Nordic ski instructor and was fortunate enough to captain the Army Medical Services (AMS) Ladies team at the British Biathlon and Nordic Championships where they won the AMS first ever silver wear including gold in the team 10km classic race.

Outside of work, I compete in adventure racing with Team Endurnacelife and have won several ultra-marathons including the 6633 in 2015. Having gained her expeditionary spirit and thirst for adventure as a Girlguide

I am also a unit helper, leader and ambassador of Girlguiding in Powys, currently developing a 18-30s leadership international to Finland with Staffordshire Guides.

Q2: What will you be doing while in Oman and why did you choose to do it?

On Wednesday 18th November 2020, the 50th anniversary of the National Day of Oman, myself and Oman-born Anisa al Raisi will begin our 50-day trek across Oman. This will include climbing, walking and kayaking for a total distance of over 1,200km. Their journey starts in the Straits of Hormuz and we will make our way across the entire country, ending up in Mirbat. Anisa came up with the idea to cross her country in a straight line after hearing about Beeline Britain a few years ago, Anisa wanted to show the world the beauty and adventure Oman has to offer, as well as getting people to embrace the outdoors. I was in Oman with work and when Ansia and I met it felt like we would make a good pairing. I am passionate about getting children outdoors, Girlguiding has given me so much so anything I can do to encourage more to participate in Girlguiding is worth the leap of faith.

Q3: How have you prepared for this challenge?

There is lots of behind the scene work that is needed to organise an expedition/challenge/adventure of this size. A lot of time on the computer doing research, speaking to various authorities to get permissions needed etc and sorting safety and seeking support. However, we also need to make sure our body and mind is prepared too. I love running in the Welsh hills and most of my training is spent out in the hills, running or cycling. When you are out in the elements it helps build mental strength too, it is easy to turn around and go back to a warm dry house but knowing that staying with the plan and completing a long day on the hill helps strengthen the mind. A bit like when on a Guide camp and you have to light a wood fire first thing in the morning to boil water, it is not always easy but you have to do it, to make that important cup of coffee!

Q4: What is the most rewarding part of being apart of YalloGo 2020?

Honestly, working with a fabulous group of people. I have been blown away by the supporters we have acquired over the last 18 months of planning, everyone is working for free around busy jobs because they all believe in YallaGo, Anisa and I. I hope while we are crossing Oman guides and scouts will follow up and post on social media all their micro adventures and challenges to inspire Anisa and I through the tough times to keep going.

Q5: Top tips to keep positive during lockdown?

Lockdown is hard for everyone, be kind to yourself and when things don't go the way you had hoped, take a deep breath, smile and review. I have found setting myself mini challenges has really helped. I made chutney for the first time during lockdown, learnt a bit of arabic (5 minutes a day on an app called Drops), listened to a different genre of music a day for a week. A few friends have created routes locally so we challenge each other to virtual races or just "I am going to do XX today, are you?" so we can still stay connected.

Q6: How can our members follow your journey?

We have a website:

Or you can follow our social media accounts: Instagram | Facebook : @yallago_2020

We would love to inspire as many young people as possible. If we can get more children interested in outdoor adventure, challenge and build their mental fitness then it is all worth it. 

Hashtags we use are #yallago2020

Superb effort ladies & Good luck!