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Girlguiding Cymru International Adviser
My Bio
“Working closely with the County International Advisers in Wales and the UK International team, a key part of the role is to lead and advertise activities which promote International Girlguiding and our unique worldwide organisation. Another element is supporting and encouraging leaders to offer international opportunities to young members.
The International Adviser also searches for opportunities to send girls away to represent Girlguiding Cymru and builds the teams of Leaders and girls. The Adviser will provide support and advice to all groups travelling abroad with Girlguiding Cymru. International Girlguiding is promoted on social media and on the Girlguiding Cymru webpages supported by Delyth our mascot, look out for her on our posts.
I have enjoyed being a member of Girlguiding since I was a Brownie, gaining my Queen’s Guide Award (in Guides) and the Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Like many, I have a number of roles in Girlguiding, including Division Commissioner, mentor, trainer for Girlguiding Cymru, Webinar trainer for Girlguiding and a tutor for trainers; but the role which means the most to me is being a Unit Leader to both of my Guide Units and my Ranger Unit and supporting the girls on their Girlguiding journey. ”