County map


Girlguiding West Glamorgan is part of Girlguiding Cymru.
The county covers the areas of Swansea, Gower, Mumbles, Neath and the Afan Valley. This county has 5 Divisions and 13 Districts.

We offer girls and young women in the County a space where they can be themselves, have fun, build brilliant friendships, gain valuable life skills and make a positive difference to their lives and their communities. We build girls’ confidence and raise their aspirations. While giving them the chance to discover their full potential.

County Commissioner Alex Lang 
Girlguiding West Glamorgan Website


Guiding began in West Glamorgan began with the registration of The Swansea Troop of Baden Powell Girl Guides in 1910. The Cambrian News reported that the unit was now registered in London.
In August 1910 Swansea Girl Guides spend a week in the Mayals: The Swansea Girl Guides have just returned from a week's holiday they stayed at Owl's Lodge. The Guides were under the supervision of Miss Gooding (Captain) They carried out various duties, such as bed-making, cooking and cleaning. Signal practice took place. The girls enjoyed themselves immensely.

In 1919, the 2nd, 7th and 11th Swansea Brownies demonstrated their programme. A demonstration by the Guides followed by a show of proficiency badges by Miss Olive Nichols, County Commissioner.
Further songs ensued.

The County Standard

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