How I celebrated VE Day by Guide Bethany

Hey Girlguiding! I am a Guide and in this blog I will be talking about my Guiding at home experience. Our fantastic leaders have been wonderful during these difficult times and have been organising weekly zoom meetings on our normal meeting nights. On these zoom calls we do activities and have a bit of a chat! It’s one of my favourite things of the week as it brings some normality in these crazy times! We are doing some fun things, some badge work and soon we are attempting mug cakes!

Bethany VE Day tent.jpg

At my Guide unit we decided to celebrate VE day with a camp. Obviously due to lockdown it was slightly different but we still had an amazing time. We had regular check-ins on zoom to show what activities we had been working on so far in the day.

We had to sleep in a den/tent and we had activities to help us learn about VE day. Some made dens inside, a few of us (including me) pitched and slept in a tent outside and one of us even slept in a hammock!

We tried to learn how to use semaphore signals, how to make a rosette and even did some food prep. I cooked breakfast on a fire! We were given many activities so we could try different things.

The rosettes we made were so simple it only included cutting some strips of paper, super easy! It astonished me how similar it was to the kinds of things we would be doing in an actual camp! The only difference is we had a late morning check in so we got a bit of a lie in, a rarity on your usual guide camps!

VE Day rosette.jpg
Bethany VE Day breakfast 3.jpg

“It was great fun, I learnt a lot and it was a perfect way to celebrate the 75th VE day. Well done everyone and let’s keep the guiding spirt alive through these tough times!”

Bethany, 4th Killay Guides, May 2020

Stephanie Woodland