We have an exciting opportunity for Rangers and Leaders to join a ZOOM session with Cardiff University and MAGMA. Our NEW ‘Electromagnetics’ challenge badge is all about exploring magnets and is suitable for all sections!
The session will enable you to gain insight into our new challenge pack so you can then deliver it to our younger members.
Volunteers who attend this session will have the opportunity to receive FREE magnet packs for your units. These will be provided on a first come first serve basis.
What will the session cover?
How do magnets work?
What is magnetic?
Why is magnetism important to science?
Rangers and Leaders will have the option to get involved and join a live experiment. If you would like to do this, you will need the following items:
A magnet (this can be any magnet such as a fridge magnet)
Large plastic bottle with a lid
Permanent marker(s)
Metal Paperclip
Coming soon!
Free badge for Girlguiding Cymru members!