Try and Inspire
Girlguiding Cymru are offering an opportunity for Young Leaders, Rangers or Leaders to come along and learn about, try and complete the PlayMaker Award with a view to assisting your young members in your unit aged 9+ to complete the PlayMaker Award.
When: Sunday, 25 th February 2024
Time: 10am to 1pm
Where: Sport Wales, Jubilee Suite, Sophia Gardens, Cardiff CF11 9SW
Cost: Free including travel bursary
Limited places available on first come, first served basis.
Places will be confirmed via email.
Book your place here:
What is the Playmaker Award?
The Playmaker award is a great way to introduce primary-aged learners to leadership through fun and engaging activities that build self-belief and confidence while helping others to do so too.
Over six sessions, pupils learn the basic leadership skills that will support them in developing life-long leadership skills through play and physical activity.
Minimum age: 9 years
Total hours: 6 (approx.)