Let’s get ‘Safe Space’ ready!

Even though we don’t have a specific date yet when will be will be able to return to our indoor meeting places. What we do know, is that it’s important that you as Leaders and the girls are kept safe.  Where lockdown measures have started to ease in areas, an increase in safeguarding incidents has already been seen. If you have any concerns, please contact your Commissioners straight away. 

Let’s see how we can make sure we are all ‘Safe Space’ ready!

What can I do to keep myself safe?

Ensure you are up to date on your safe space training. Please attend a course online if you are not up to date. There is also a new Digital safeguarding e-learning module which you can access through your ‘GO’ record, under learning opportunities / courses. Don’t forget to do the survey at the end of your e-learning session where you enter your membership number as this will generate your certificate and update your ‘Go’ record.

Who needs safe space?  What level do I need in my role?

Level 1

An Introduction to our safeguarding policies and procedures, the volunteer code of conduct, roles and responsibilities, what to do if you have a concern, and where to get help.

How and duration?  

20-25 minutes e-learning- accessed through ‘Learning Opportunities’ on your ‘Go’ record, or directly from the GGUK website.

Who for?

All adult volunteers, peer educators and those undertaking the YLQ and LQ, young leaders over 14, occasional helpers, home contacts, Go Coordinators.

Level 2

Creating a safe space. What is a safe space and why it’s important, what to do if you have concerns about a member, how to create a safe space, what to do if it isn’t safe, how to keep yourself safe and where to go to for help.

Don't forget you will also need to complete Levels 1 and 2.

Level 3

Recognising, telling and taking action.

How and duration?

20-25 minutes e-learning and 3 hr face-to-face training via live webinar.

Who for?

For anyone leading a team of adults, at least one leader per unit (leader, assistant leader, leader in training), mentors, advisers, coordinators (except GO coordinators), licence holders on residential, trainers, tutors and those that need level 4.

Level 4

Managing concerns, allegations and disclosures – guidance for commissioners.

How and duration?

2 x 2hours face-to-face training via on line live webinar.  

Who for?

All commissioners and commissioner designates, trainers (wishing to deliver up to Level 4 A Safe Space), Safeguarding leads/A Safe Space advisers

Please book onto this course by emailing leadership@girlguiding.org.uk

When do I need to do complete it by?

All volunteers must complete the levels required for their volunteer roles by the compliance deadline - end of December 2020. Before face to face Unit meetings can happen then we must ensure that all Leaders have the relevant levels to reopen the unit.

 Are you ready to accept the challenge? Let’s see if we can make Cymru the leader in Safe Space. I know you can, stay safe and healthy.

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Stephanie Woodland