Celebrate World Thinking Day with us…
World Thinking Day is a day of international friendship which has been celebrated since 1926.
This is a day to highlight WAGGGS initiatives that support girls and young women and support the fundraising that helps 10 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world.
What will Girlguiding Cymru be doing?
Girlguiding Cymru will be holding a virtual World Thinking Day Event on 18 February 2023. All our Thinking Day videos will feature on YouTube. Please check out our brand new YouTube account.
Have you taken part?
We would love to see your photographs and year your stories. Email us via the button below.
Introduction & Promise Renewal
Girlguiding Cymru WTD2023 Rainbows
Download our Girlguiding Thinking Day colouring Sheets and pack.
The files are all in PDF format.
Right-click the image for the section you require and save it to your computer or phone.
Open the PDF on your computer and print from adobe reader.
Girlguiding Cymru WTD2023 Brownies
Download our Girlguiding Thinking Day colouring Sheets and pack.
The files are all in PDF format.
Right-click the image for the section you require and save it to your computer or phone.
Open the PDF on your computer and print from adobe reader.
Girlguiding Cymru WTD2023 Guides
Download our Girlguiding Thinking Day colouring Sheets and pack.
The files are all in PDF format.
Right-click the image for the section you require and save it to your computer or phone.
Open the PDF on your computer and print from adobe reader.
Girlguiding Cymru WTD2023 Rangers, YL, Inspire & Volunteers
Download our Girlguiding Thinking Day colouring Sheets and pack.
The files are all in PDF format.
Right-click the image for the section you require and save it to your computer or phone.
Open the PDF on your computer and print from adobe reader.
Girlguiding Cymru World Thinking Day Promise Renewal and Finale
WAGGGS Activity Pack
We are thrilled to share the WAGGGS World Thinking Day 2023 Activity Pack, Our World Our Peaceful Future, The Environment & Peace.
This year’s activity pack features the story of Miku, a young girl who embarks on a quest to find peace and balance within her world. The pack is inspired by folktales from all five regions and we have created a series of short stories and activities to complete to earn the World Thinking Day Badge. WAGGGS will also unite in a virtual global ‘walk the world’ challenge to raise awareness and essential funds for the Girl Guide and Girl Scout Movement.
Are you up for the challenge?